Friday, 3 August 2012

RAINS.. Yes we all love them...!

Its a beautiful afternoon... and yes you guessed right it rained here in jammu....!
Rains make it so hard to get up in the morning ,right?. Anyway I am up and I am trying my best to be regular here.. :)
Rains... Different people have different ways of  savvying it...!
Who else could say it better than Bob Marley  " Some feel the rain while others just get wet"
How do you feel when it rains? 
The raindrop, exquisite aint it?
For me.. as I see the raindrops trickling down the window i feel numb.. Its way too beautiful... !
Have you ever studied two separate raindrops dribbling down the pane,  following  their own routes and at some point they merge into each other...does it not feel like they have reached their the feeling of completeness... PHEW.. what a satisfying view it is..!
A single drop of rain can assuage all the pain... It does not simply fall on your body, it touches the soul...!
The raindrops on my body placates all that burns and wounds. Its soothing... Nothing can beat this ointment..!
As the rain precipitates, I feel like I am alive.. It engenders life inside me. It redefines the meaning of life, gives me zeal to move on, encourages me...
I dance in the rain. I love the smell of the earth. I love those beautiful drops of rain on leaves,
I spend the whole day admiring the untarnished beauty of the nature..
It brings in me the lucid state of my mind, relieves me of all my worries (even just for a little time, but it surely does)
AND yessss
I love the hot coffee and the book in my hand while it rains outside...!
I hope you love it too and better yet FEEL it.. :D
Happy monsoons... :)
# rain is falling on my window pane and i'm hiding in a safer place.. BUBBLY by colbie calliet.. awesome track.. do try it :)

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